This Cinephile

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Best Actor of the Decade Tournament

Top 64 - Round 4

Steve Carrell vs. Mickey Rourke
Quantity: Steve Carrell has done 12 movies in the past 10 years. Meanwhile, even though Rourke recently had his "comeback" with The Wrestler, he's done 15. Round - Rourke.
Quality: Carrell is always funny but he was best in The 40 Year Old Virgin and Little Miss Sunshine. Even if Rourke hadn't done gone work in Spun, Sin City and Killshot, he still would have won based on his amazing performance in The Wrestler. Round - Rourke.
Oscar Nominations: Rourke was nominated for The Wrestler. Round - Rourke.
Shared Screen: They have not shared the screen.
Extra Curriculars: Carrell was hilarious on The Daily Show and kills it weekly on The Office. Round - Carrell.
Winner = Rourke.

Leonardo DiCaprio vs. John Malkovich
Quantity: DiCaprio is definitely quality over quantity and he's only appeared in 9 films in the last 10 years. Meanwhile, Malkovich has done 25. Round - Malkovich.
Quality: DiCaprio is great in everything he does, most notably The Beach, Catch Me If You Can, The Aviator, The Departed, Blood Diamond and Revolutionary Road. Malkovich plays a little stranger and was amazing in Shadow of a Vampire, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Art School Confidential, Changeling and, especially Burn After Reading. Round - DiCaprio.
Oscar Nominations: Malkovich hasn't been nominated this decade and DiCaprio has been nominated twice for The Aviator and Blood Diamond. Round - DiCaprio.
Shared Screen: They have not shared the screen.
Extra Curriculars: DiCaprio produced the 11th Hour and he's an environmentalist. Malkovich appeared in a Les Miserables mini series and is the most bad ass man alive. TIE.
Winner = DiCaprio.

William Hurt vs. Sam Rockwell
Quantity: Hurt and Rockwell are pretty evenly matched here but Rockwell's 23 films just edges out Hurt's 22. Round - Rockwell.
Quality: Hurt's best work this decade has been in The Village, The King, A History of Violence, and Into the Wild. Meanwhile, Rockwell has been stellar in Matchstick Men, Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Choke and especially Snow Angels. Round - Rockwell.
Oscar Nominations: Rockwell has shockingly never been nominated and Hurt was for A History of Violence. Round - Hurt.
Shared Screen: They have not shared the screen.
Extra Curriculars: Hurt was fantastic on this past season of Damages. Round - Hurt.
Tie Breaker: I don't want to have to pick between these two men. They are honestly two of my favorites. I'm going to do this the fairest way possible - Eeny, meeny, miny, mo. Round - Rockwell.
Winner = Rockwell.

Josh Brolin vs. Matt Damon
Quantity: Brolin has done 14 films in the past 10 years while Damon has done 19. Round - Damon.
Quality: Brolin hit his stride in the past few years by stealing scenes in The Dead Girl, No Country For Old Men, Planet Terror, American Gangster, W., and Milk. Meanwhile, Damon is always amazing especially in All the Pretty Horses, Gerry, Syriana, The Departed, and the Bourne trilogy. Round - Damon.
Oscar Nominations: Damon hasn't been nominated this decade (although he should have been for The Departed). Meanwhile, Brolin picked up a nomination for Milk. Round - Brolin.
Shared Screen: They have not shared the screen.
Extra Curriculars: Damon appeared in the HILARIOUS Sarah Silverman video "I'm F**king Matt Damon." Plus, he's a Red Sox fan. Round - Damon.
Winner = Damon.

Jamie Foxx vs. Jude Law
Quantity: Jude Law was working a lot in 2004 and 2005 which helps his 17 beat out Foxx's 13. Round - Law.
Quality: I'm not Foxx's biggest fan but no one can deny that he was anything short of amazing in Ray. However, I loved Law in Closer, I Heart Huckabees and Cold Mountain. Round - Law.
Oscar Nominations: Law was nominated for Cold Mountain. Foxx was nominated for Collateral and won for Ray. Round - Foxx.
Shared Screen: They have not shared the screen.
Extra Curriculars: Foxx went on a public tirade and bad mouthed 16 year old Miley Cyrus. Law cheated on his wife with Sienna Miller and then Sienna Miller with a nanny... I don't think anyone really wins here.
Winner = Law.

George Clooney vs. Joaquin Phoenix
Quantity: Pheonix has apparently retired from acting but he still did 13 films this decade. Meanwhile, Clooney has done 17. Round - Clooney.
Quality: Clooney was great in Syriana, Michael Clayton and Burn After Reading. Meanwhile, Phoenix was great in Gladiator, The Village, Walk the Line, Reservation Road and Two Lovers. Round - Phoenix.
Oscar Nominations: Phoenix was nominated for Gladiator and Walk the Line. Clooney has been nominated for directing and writing as well as acting in Michael Clayton and Syriana (for which he won). Round - Clooney.
Shared Screen: They haven't shared the screen.
Extra Curriculars: Clooney wrote and directed Good Night, and Good Luck and Confessions of a Dangerous Mind. He also directed Leatherheads but we won't hold that against him. Round - Clooney.
Winner = Clooney.

Stellan Skarsgard vs. Hugh Jackman
Quantity: Jackman has worked a lot, starring in 16 films (he played Wolverine in 4 of them). Meanwhile, Skarsgard switches between English films and Swedish films and has done 26. Round - Skarsgard.
Quality: Jackman doesn't really do it for me although he was quite good in Australia. Skarsgard has been great in Dancer in the Dark, Dogville and Goya's Ghost. He didn't even see too embarrassed in Mamma Mia! Round - Skarsgard.
Oscar Nominations: Neither have been nominated.
Shared Screen: They have not shared the screen.
Extra Curriculars: People Magazine claims Jackman is the Sexiest Man Alive. Skarsgard is the father of the REAL sexiest man alive, Alexander Skarsgard. Round - Skarsgard.
Winner = Skarsgard.

James Franco vs. Edward Norton
Quantity: Franco has done 32 films in the past 10 years while Norton has only done 13. Round - Franco.
Quality: Franco has really been stepping it up lately and was great in Pineapple Express and Milk. Meanwhile, Norton did his best work in the 90s but was still great in Down in the Valley, The Painted Veil and Pride and Glory. Round - Norton.
Oscar Nominations: Neither have been nominated.
Shared Screen: They have not shared the screen.
Extra Curriculars: Franco appeared in the second greatest TV show of all time - Freaks and Geeks. He also appeared as James Dean in a TV movie about the iconic actor. And he helped out his F&G pals by doing a funny cameo in Knocked Up. Round - Franco.
Winner = Franco.

On Wednesday, the top 32 begins and we'll see if Morgan Freeman, Johnny Depp, Russell Crowe and Brad Pitt can survive.



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