This Cinephile

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Town

A few years ago, Ben Affleck directed a film called Gone Baby Gone. I remember see it and being very impressed with his directing skills. I may have even said something along the lines of, "He should quit acting and just direct." Listen - I'm the kinda gal that admits when she is wrong and, boy, was I wrong. Not about Affleck's directing. He's got skills. The Town is just as good, if not better, than Gone Baby Gone. I was wrong about his acting skills which, back then, I thought were non-existant. I was wrong. His performance in The Town (and that was one of the drawbacks for me before I saw the film. I not-so-secretly wished he had cast his brother Casey in the lead instead) is the best of his career and is extremely impressive.
The Town was filmed on location in Boston, more specifically Charlestown, which is the bank robbery capitol of the United States (according to the movie). Affleck plays Doug, the leader of a rag-tag team of townies who rob banks and armored cars. He and his pal Jem (the excellent, as always, Jeremy Renner) grew up together and now they even rob banks together. Doug used to be involved with Jem's sister Krista (Gossip Girl's Blake Lively who is very impressive playing the complete opposite of Serena van der Woodsen). In the intense opening segment, Doug, Jem and their two friends rob a bank in Cambridge. They decide to take bank manager Claire (Rebecca Hall) as a hostage and let her free after taking her for a little joy ride. Eventually, they discover she lives just blocks away so Doug decides to befriend her and make sure she doesn't know anything. Needless to say, they fall in love which only complicates things even more. Add in Jon Hamm as an FBI agent hot on their trail, Titus Welliver (!!!) as his partner, Pete Postlethwaite as a Charlestown florist/gangster and Chris Cooper as Doug's imprisoned dad and you've got a hell of a cast.
The performances are all top notch. As a director, Affleck has a way with actors and that's no surprise since he's spent the last decade or so as an actor. Renner probably gets top honors although it's really hard to say. His Jem is a hot-headed bad ass who pulls out a gun with the ease it takes the rest of us to breathe. Cooper makes a lasting impression with just one scene and Postlethwaite is truly intimidating despite his wiry frame. Lively plays against type as a white trash mother to a daughter named Shyne and she does it super well. But it's Affleck and his truly layered, complicated character who is most impressive. I honestly didn't believe he had the skills to create and portray a character with such emotional depth. His chemistry with Hall is sweet and honest. The script (co-written by Affleck) is so tight and exciting and well done and the directing is truly top notch. This is the second movie in a row for Affleck as a director that has been gritty, realistic, honest, exciting and excellent.
For me, 2010 has been a truly awful year for movies but The Town is one of the best.
Grade: B+

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