This Cinephile

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ten Thoughts about Buried

1. So this movie really, really, REALLY is just Ryan Reynolds buried in a coffin for an hour and a half...

2. But, DAMN, if it isn't a goddamn good movie about Ryan Reynolds being buried in a coffin for an hour and a half.

3. First off, the main titles and the opening music are both excellent and instantly draw you into the movie.

4. The opening shot? An uncomfortably long shot of nothing but darkness and quiet. It gives you the unmistakable feeling that this isn't going to be your typical movie. It's unique and it's different and it's intense.

5. At times the movie feels like a film school experiment and sometimes that doesn't quite work. But most of the time, it's eerie and thrilling and intense and claustrophobic and terribly exciting! Yes, exciting! A man stuck in a coffin, buried alive somewhere in the Iraqi desert with nothing more than a flashlight, a Zippo and a cell phone is EXCITING!

6. There is a particularly intense scene involving a rogue snake and a sudden fire that is very exciting. Plus, those last few minutes...

7. Also, conspiracy theories! Terrorists! Thinly veiled commentary about the war in Iraq! It's all right there.

8. I think by now we all know my position on Ryan Reynolds. I'm not his biggest fan but I do think he is very convincing as a charming caddish character actor. Although he's good looking, I don't really buy him as the leading man action star. However, Buried is his absolute finest piece of acting. Not many people can hold someone's attention and command a screen for an entire film (James Franco recently did it in 127 Hours and he had a few other actors to work with; in this movie it's just a snake and some voices on a cell phone). Reynolds is fantastic going from terrified to angry to frustrated to heartbreaking to resigned back to terrified with such ease.

9. The limited filmmaking (really, guys, the set is just a fricking coffin buried underground!) is fantastic.

10. Finally, that ending. Amazing.

Grade: B+



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