This Cinephile

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Golden Globe Nominees

Best Picture - Drama
The Descendants
War Horse
The Ides of March
The Help
Thoughts - Nice line up, I guess. My personal favorite of the year (so far, anyway) is Hugo and it's in there so yay!

Best Picture - Comedy
The Artist
My Week With Marilyn
Midnight in Paris
Thoughts - LOVED Midnight in Paris. So glad it's there. Also happy to see Bridesmaids and 50/50 which was definitely underrated.

Best Actor - Drama
George Clooney in The Descendants
Brad Pitt in Moneyball
Leonardo DiCaprio in J. Edgar
Ryan Gosling in The Ides of March
Michael Fassbender in Shame
Thoughts - This has got to be the hottest and best looking Best Actor line up ever, right???

Best Actress - Drama
Viola Davis in The Help
Meryl Streep in The Iron Lady
Tilda Swinton in We Need to Talk About Kevin
Rooney Mara in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Glenn Close in Albert Nobbs
Thoughts - Glad to see Rooney Mara get some love. So excited to see her take on Lisbeth.

Best Actor - Comedy
Jean Dujardin in The Artist
Brendan Gleeson in The Guard
Owen Wilson in Midnight in Paris
Joseph Gordon-Levitt in 50/50
Ryan Gosling in Crazy, Stupid, Love
Thoughts - YAY Joseph Gordon-Levitt!! Also, yay for Gosling being a double nominee during his best year ever. Too bad they left out his actual best performance of the year (in Drive, of course).

Best Actress - Comedy
Michelle Williams in My Week with Marilyn
Jodie Foster in Carnage
Kristen Wiig in Bridesmaids
Charlize Theron in Young Adult
Kate Winslet in Carnage
Thoughts - I love me some Michelle, Jodie, Charlize and Kate but I am TOTALLY pulling for Kristen Wiig!

Best Supporting Actor
Albert Brooks in Drive
Christopher Plummer in Beginners
Kenneth Branagh in My Week With Marilyn
Jonah Hill in Moneyball
Viggo Mortensen in A Dangerous Method
Thoughts - Glad Jonah is getting some love and although I didn't see A Dangerous Method, I am madly in love with Viggo so hopefully he will be there looking all sexy.

Best Supporting Actress
Berenice Bejo in The Artist
Octavia Spencer in The Help
Jessica Chastain in The Help
Janet McTeer in Albert Nobbs
Shailene Woodley in The Descedants
Thoughts - This category could have just been all Jessica Chastain, right? The Help, The Tree of Life, Take Shelter, etc.

Best Director
Martin Scorsese for Hugo
George Clooney for The Ides of March
Michel Hazanavicius for The Artist
Alexander Payne for The Descendants
Woody Allen for Midnight in Paris
Thoughts - My love for Marty vs. my love for Woody. What is a girl to do??

Random thoughts on TV nominees:
American Horror Story as a Best Drama nominee... really?
New Girl nominated for Best Comedy!
The best actor on television, Bryan Cranston, will hopefully win! (But no Kyle Chandler for Friday Night Lights).
Zooey's inevitable Best Actress in a Comedy win will be adorable and annoying, probably.

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