This Cinephile

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Best Supporting Actor 2015

05. Steve Carrell in The Big Short - Proving his Oscar nomination for Foxcatcher was no fluke, Carrell kills as the seemingly only person with a soul on all of Wall Street. A nuanced performance where the anger bubbling on the surface perfectly masks the sorrow hiding beneath it all.

04. Paul Dano in Love and Mercy - Everyone knows what Brian Wilson sounded and looked like in the mid 60s and Dano, who did his own singing, is remarkable, not only nailing the sound and look, but also perfectly capturing the musical genius slowly losing his mind.

03. Sylvester Stallone in Creed - I never really thought of Stallone as a good actor, but he is the heart and soul of this really great movie. Sure, it's great to see him embodying a beloved character again, but his performance is more than the result of nostalgia. He is the most emotionally relevant part of the film, and his performance will likely break your heart.

02. Christian Bale in The Big Short - In a movie filled with great performances, Bale is the best of the best. As the socially awkward genius, Bale is nearly unrecognizable. And it isn't because he looks different, it's because he becomes someone else so completely, you forget you are looking at a movie star.

01. Tom Hardy in The Revenant - Don't get me wrong, The Revenant is totally Leo's movie, but Hardy threatens to steal every scene he is in with those feral eyes and steely persona. Hardy is the most dangerous actor working today, and that's never been more evident than here, where he nails this malicious, conniving role.

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Blogger Inge Jane said...

You've been on a roll with your posts! I need to catch up! And I'm realizing that I need to catch up with movies too, I haven't seen any of these yet!

6:43 AM  

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