This Cinephile

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Horror Movie Month - Last House in the Woods

Last House in the Woods (2006)
The Stars: Daniela Virgilio, Daniele Grassetti, Gennaro Diana, Santa De Santis
The Gist: A young couple are trying to come to terms with their relationship (what it was / what it is) and as they discuss this (randomly on the side of a creepy road), they are interrupted by a group of thugs that beat up Rino (Grassetti) and try to rape Aurora (Virgilio). However, an older couple driving pass saves the day and takes them back to their even creepier house in the woods to recover. Unbeknownst to the young couple, the older couple have a secret which will terrify them.
The Scares: It's not so much scary as it is gory as hell. That said, it's not exactly a terrible movie. It is cluttered and disjointed. There's a lot of borrowing from other films - The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Wrong Turn, etc. It's considerably well shot with neatly realized images and fast moving zooms. Even when the director decides to shake the camera, it adds to the harrowing vibe of the film. There are moments of amusing and outrageous Italian horror but mostly it's hit or miss. Albeit, the back story is very interesting.
The Body Count: Eight which seems to be the median in modern horror films.
The Grade: C- [Maybe would have gotten a little higher had it not been dubbed - I'd rather read subtitles].



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