This Cinephile

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Best Actor of the Decade Tournament

Top 2

Sean Penn vs. Philip Seymour Hoffman
Quantity: Penn has done 12 films while Hoffman has done 18. Round - Hoffman.
Quality: Look, these guys are two of the best actors around. Basically, it's going to come down to their best performances, both of which were for practically becoming someone else. Hoffman as Capote vs. Penn as Milk. Both were spectacular. But Penn gave one of, if not the, best performance of the decade. Round - Penn.
Oscar Nominations: Both were nominated three times. Hoffman for Capote, Charlie Wilson's War and Doubt. Penn for I Am Sam, Mystic River and Milk. Hoffman won for Capote. Penn won for Mystic River and Milk. Round - Penn.
Shared Screen: They have not shared the screen.
Extra Curriculars: Penn directed one of my favorite films of the decade - Into the Wild. Round - Penn.
Winner = Penn.

Coming up... reviews of The Informant and Pandorum as well as a Best Actress of the Decade Tournament (starting October 14).



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