This Cinephile

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Best Actress of the Decade Tournament

Top 64 - Round 2

Demi Moore vs. Halle Berry
Quantity: Moore has done 9 films while Berry just beats her out with 10. Round - Berry.
Quality: Moore sure looked hot in Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle. Berry was good (although not Oscar worthy) in Monster's Ball. Round - Berry.
Oscar Nominations: Moore has never been nominated. Berry won an Oscar for Monster's Ball. Round - Berry.
Shared Screen: They have not shared the screen.
Extra Curriculars: Demi Moore keeps getting hotter... Round - Moore.
Winner = Berry.

Joan Allen vs. Glenn Close
Quantity: Allen's 11 barely beats out Close's 10. Round - Allen.
Quality: Allen was top notch in The Contender, The Notebook and The Upside of Anger. Meanwhile, Close has been great in Chumscrubber and Evening. Round - Allen.
Oscar Nominations: Close hasn't been nominated this decade. Allen was nominated for The Contender. Round - Allen.
Shared Screen: They have not shared the screen.
Extra Curriculars: One word - Damages. Round - Close.
Winner = Allen.

Jennifer Garner vs. Rachel McAdams
Quantity: Another close one - Garner's 11 just loses out to McAdams' 12. Round - McAdams.
Quality: McAdams was pretty fricking fantastic in Mean Girls. Garner was adorable in 13 Going on 30 but she really surprised me with her range in Juno. Round - Garner.
Oscar Nominations: Neither have been nominated (although I will argue Garner should have been for Juno).
Shared Screen: They have not shared the screen.
Extra Curriculars: Garner kicked so much ass on Alias. Round - Garner.
Winner = Garner.

Alison Lohman vs. Hilary Swank
Quantity: Lohman's 15 films just beats out Swank's 14. Round - Lohman.
Quality: Lohman was good in White Oleander and Matchstick Men. Swank was amazing in Million Dollar Baby. Round - Swank.
Oscar Nominations: Lohman was never nominated. Swank won an Oscar for Million Dollar Baby. (Just to reiterate, she had two Oscars before Scorsese or Winslet even had one. DiCaprio still doesn't have an Oscar and Swank has two. I'm not bitter about it though.) Round - Swank.
Shared Screen: They have not shared the screen.
Extra Curriculars: Lohman was on one of my favorite guilty pleasure TV shows of the decade - Pasadena! Round - Lohman.
Tie Breaker: Honestly, I like Lohman better. But I'm trying to be fair here so... Round - Swank.
Winner = Swank.

Jennifer Lopez vs. Rosario Dawson
Quantity: Dawson works A LOT so her 28 films crushes Lopez's 12. Round - Dawson.
Quality: Lopez was cute in The Wedding Planner. Dawson was bad ass in Sin City, fantastic in Rent and heartbreaking in Seven Pounds. Round - Dawson.
Oscar Nominations: Neither have been nominated.
Shared Screen: They have not shared the screen.
Extra Curriculars: Well, Dawson is pretty bad ass. Round - Dawson.
Winner = Dawson.

Ellen Page vs. Susan Sarandon
Quantity: Page's 13 films loses out to Sarandon's 20. Round - Sarandon.
Quality: They've both been great in a lot of movies. If I put their best performances [Sarandon in Igby Goes Down and Page in Hard Candy] head to head then I'd have to go with... Round - Page.
Oscar Nominations: Sarandon hasn't been nominated this decade. Page got her first for Juno. Round - Page.
Shared Screen: They have not shared the screen.
Extra Curriculars: Sarandon did a hilarious cameo on Friends a few years back. Round - Sarandon.
Tie Breaker: This is tough. Page is the future, for sure. She's incredible and there's no arguing that. Sarandon hasn't necessarily done her best work this decade. However, she's still got The Lovely Bones coming out before the end of the year and I don't think we should count her out as a has-been just yet. Round - Sarandon.
Winner = Sarandon.

Gwyneth Paltrow vs. Joan Cusack
Quantity: Paltrow has done 17 films in the last ten years while Cusack has done 13. Round - Paltrow.
Quality: Cusack was hilarious in Friends with Money. Paltrow was so fantastic in The Royal Tenenbaums. She was also pretty damn good in Sylvia and Two Lovers. Round - Paltrow.
Oscar Nominations: Neither have been nominated this decade.
Shared Screen: They have not shared the screen.
Extra Curriculars: Joan's brother is really hot... Round - Cusack.
Winner = Paltrow.

Renee Zellweger vs. Jennifer Aniston
Quantity: Zellweger's 14 films just beats out Aniston's 12. Round - Zellweger.
Quality: Hey, remember when Renee Zellweger used to be awesome? When I usually say that I'm talking about Empire Records but now, if I could, I'd just take her back in the earlier part of this decade when she rocked in movies like Bridget Jones's Diary, White Oleander, Chicago and Cold Mountain. Meanwhile, Aniston was pretty great in The Good Girl. Round - Zellweger.
Oscar Nominations: Aniston has never been nominated. Zellweger was nominated for Bridget Jones's Diary and Chicago before finally winning for Cold Mountain. And if she keeps making movies like she has been the last few years, she'll never be nominated again. Round - Zellweger.
Shared Screen: They have not shared the screen.
Extra Curriculars: Zellweger does a lot of voice work but Aniston was Rachel Green on Friends. Round - Aniston.
Winner = Zellweger.

On Wednesday... Winona, Scarlett, Penelope, and two of my personal favorites - Marcia and Cate (not going against each other... yet... thank goodness)!



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