This Cinephile

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Best Actress of the Decade Tournament

Top 2

Meryl Streep vs. Cate Blanchett
Quantity: Blanchett's 24 films puts her out to an early lead over Streep's 16. Round - Blanchett.
Quality: In situations like this, I think it should come down to their single best performances of the decade. Here, that would be Blanchett's I'm Not There performance vs. Streep in The Devil Wears Prada. Round - Blanchett.
Oscar Nominations: Streep has been nominated three times for Adaptation, The Devil Wears Prada and Doubt. Blanchett won for The Aviator and was nominated three additional times for Notes on a Scandal, I'm Not There and Elizabeth: The Golden Age. Round - Blanchett.
Shared Screen: They have not shared the screen.
Extra Curriculars: Streep was amazing in Angels in America. Round - Streep.
Winner = Blanchett.

So, there you have it. Cate Blanchett joins Sean Penn as the Best Actress and Actor of the Decade.
Every Wednesday in December, I'll have a Top Ten of the Decade List featuring Best Actress / Actor / Supporting and Film categories. Also, I'll be catching up on movie reviews some day this week.

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