Horror Movie Month: Inferno
The Plot: A woman living in New York City discovers a book that may be about the apartment building in which she lives. It seems many years ago, an architect built three different buildings for The Three Mothers to dwell in. The three mothers are evil, evil women. One lives in Germany. One lives in Rome. And the third, and the worst of them all, lives in New York City. She is convinced this woman lives in her apartment building so she starts snooping around. As coincidence would have it, her brother lives in Rome and has a friend who may or may not live in that particular building as well.
The Scares: Dario Argento is all about setting the mood. Plus, his musical scores are so unsettling that they keep you on edge at all times. That being said, the movie isn't scary, necessarily, but it is efficient in its intensity and in making sure you aren't prepared for things to happen. The music is loud and comes out of nowhere and doesn't match what's happening in the scenes (and I love it). Argento also uses a lot of long takes so that you are just waiting for something to happen which adds to the tense overall feeling you have when watching one of his films.
The Body Count: 8 (one of which gets mauled to death by ALLEY CATS! and another gets eaten (almost) to deat by rats).
The Grade: B. Not nearly as good as Argento's masterpiece, Suspiria, but still a good way to start off Horror Movie Month.
Labels: Horror Movie Month
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