This Cinephile

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Mini Reviews

Bride Wars - Cutesy and completely cliched in every single way, the only thing that maybe makes Bride Wars a tiny bit watchable is that Kate Hudson is charming. That's not to say I've forgiven her for throwing away her entire career (after all, she hasn't made a good movie since Almost Famous, really). Still, she is a charming actress and I guess if she's going to do romantic comedies, then that's something I have to accept. Still, at least she could pick GOOD romantic comedies. They are rare but they do exist. For someone who loves Anne Hathaway so very much in Rachel Getting Married, this movie just proves why I dislike her in everything else. I will admit, however, that I thoroughly enjoyed the fact that these two ladies settled a despute by having a dance off. In my world, we would settle everything with a dance off.
Grade: D

My Bloody Valentine - First of all, I live in Pennsylvania (where this movie takes place). It is currently February and nearly 60 degrees. But guess what!?! Even if there is a mini heat wave in Pennsylvania in February - there would still be traces of snow SOMEWHERE! Enough about that. This movie is pretty terrible. There were times when I thought to myself, "This movie is sort of a throwback to 80s horror movies - it could quite possibly be fun and bad in a really fun way." But no. It's just bad in a bad way. It seems the only person who was in on the joke (that this was a terrible movie) was Kerr Smith who I thought did a fine job (for what it's worth). Except, maybe he's just a terrible actor in a terrible movie. I don't know. Anyway, this movie is terrible. It's a good thing Jensen Ackles is cute because he's a terrible actor.
Grade: D-

Taken - Another cliched film - this time a story of revenge. Liam Neeson is amazing in every way... it's a shame this movie is so silly. The dialogue is just laughable. The action sequences are a bit overdone. It's just all around cheesy although I guess it has it's moments of decency. And it's scary to say, but it's the best movie I've seen so far in 2009.
Grade: D+

The Reader - Yes, Kate Winslet is incredible. Yes, Stephen Daldry's directing is incredible. But as far as Best Picture goes? I'm not so sure. It's one of the better films among the nominees but it still wouldn't make my top ten list. It's an interesting and fascinating film. It tells a great story and it has amazing acting and directing and writing. Still, it just doesn't all work for me. I still prefer Winslet in Revolutionary Road. The Reader is a good movie, for sure. I would recommend it, of course, but there are parts that drag out. And for as much as I love Ralph Fiennes, his parts of the movie were borderline boring.
Grade: B

Coming soon... a review of the Friday the 13th remake (I shudder to think) and final Oscar predictions!

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Blogger The Oak Street Critic said...

The Reader is totally winning Best Picture. I call it. Harvey Weinstein is gonna go apeshit on the campaign trail. No-holds-barred.

7:55 PM  

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