This Cinephile

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Horror Movie Month - April Fool's Day

April Fool's Day (1986)
The Stars - Deborah Foreman, Jay Baker, Deborah Goodrich, Ken Olandt, Amy Steel, Clayton Rohner
The Gist - A group of college friends gather at one of their friends mansion on a remote island during April Fool's weekend. The only way off or on the island is by ferry and it doesn't run on the weekends. A few harmless April Fool pranks turn super serious when the party animal college kids start ending up dead, one by one. Of course, there is a terrible twist ending which all but ruins a perfectly fine slasher movie.
The Scares - Again, not scary per se, but there are a few parts that are a little on the intense side (notibly the scene in the well and the second scene in the basement). Other than that, it's mostly formulaic.
The Body Count - I should really just give the ending away, right? Most people who wanted to see this movie probably say it by now. So, 7 bodies but, then, really 0 bodies.
The Grade - C-... maybe it would have been higher if the ending didn't suck so bad.



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