Horror Movie Month: Lake Eden
The Stars: Kelly Reilly and Michael Fassbender
The Plot: A young couple go away to a deserted lake (it's shut down to the public because they are about to turn it into a gated community) for a romantic weekend which quickly turns into the worst vacation of all time when a group of teens start terrorizing them.
The Scares: It's not so much scary as terrifyingly realistic. The movie seems so real, the director and writer make you feel such empathy for this couple in love, that you really are invested in the outcome of their relationship, and ultimately, their lives. The movie is also filmed really well with great acting all around. It's just top notch as far as these types of movies go.
The Body Count: Definitely 4. Possibly 5. Probably 6.
The Grade: B (I'm teetering on giving it a B+ but that seems sort of generous although this is a high B, because I really enjoyed this movie).
Labels: Horror Movie Month, Michael Fassbender
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