This Cinephile

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Horror Movie Month - When a Stranger Calls

When a Stranger Calls (1979)
The Stars - Carol Kane, Charles Durning, Tony Beckley
The Gist - A babysitter begins receiving menacing phone calls from a man simply asking, "Did you check the children?" After the police trace the call, they discover it's being made from inside the house. The man eventually gets arrested and sent to an insane asylum but seven years later breaks free. After stalking a woman he meets at a bar, he tracks down the original baby-sitter, now married with kids of her own, and returns to terrify her some more.
The Scares - I added this movie to my netflix queue on a whim and guess what? I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. The beginning and the end are terribly well done and actually damn scary. The middle is a little plodding and boring but what more do you want from a horror movie? I don't know if it's because I'm a paranoid crazy person and imagine that someone is going to break into my house when I'm here alone or what, but the beginning and end actually were quite scary to me (and I don't scare easily). I wish the movie would have ended three minutes sooner but overall, I thought it was damn good.
The Body Count - Only 3.
The Grade - B



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