Sex and the City 2
I don't care what the critics say. Sure, it's not as good as the TV show. Sure, it's not as good as the first film. (Although at least this isn't weighed down by a totally pointless supporting performance by Jennifer Hudson). And, yes, it's extravagent. Yes, it's over the top. Yes, it's flawed. But guess what? I had a hell of a lot of fun watching this movie!
The film opens with a really cute, clever quick history lesson of New York B.C. That's Before Carrie. Then it shows the way the four ladies met in the 80s before bringing us up to date on their lives now, two years after the first film. Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker) and Big (Chris Noth) are married and happy - although suffering some speed bumps. Big wants to stay home and order take out and watch TV. Carrie wants a little more glamour. Meanwhile, Charlotte (Kristin Davis) is struggling to handle her two children and her hot nanny. Miranda (Cynthia Nixon) is dealing with issues at work, mainly a new boss who isn't a fan of such an outspoken, powerful woman. And Samantha (Kim Cattrall), well, Samantha is just being Samantha. The ladies are all in need of a vacation. But first, it's on to Connecticut where they attend the wedding of - gasp! - Stanford and Anthony officiated by - are you ready for it? - LIZA MINNELLI!!!! Liza is all kinds of fabulous (Miranda jokes that when there is so much gayness, she just magically manifests) and performs the Beyonce song and dance Single Ladies which just might be the greatest moment in film so far this year!
After the wedding, the ladies return to NYC where they all attend a premiere for Smith Jerrod (Jason Lewis, who is too hot for words). There, Samantha meets the sheik of Abu Dhabi who offers her and her ladies an all expense paid trip to his luxory hotel. Of course, they take the trip and have a hell of a lot of fun in the desert. I'll spare you the details but to sum things up: camels, kareoke, bellydancers, AIDEN!, jail, sex on the beach, etc.
There has been a lot of criticism of this movie and I don't necessarily agree with all of it because the people who are criticizing it probably aren't fans of the show to begin with. But one criticism I've been hearing which I think is valid is the fact that the ladies spend most of the movie in Abu Dhabi. In the show and much of the first movie, New York was like a fifth character. It was so essential to the show that you can't imagine the film taking place in any other city. So, I agree they spend too much time in the desert but so what? It's still a fun movie! It's still great to check in on these characters again and see what they have been up to. For a generation of women, this show was something very special. It was like hanging out with girlfriends every week. Even if this movie isn't quite up to par, it's still like checking in on old friends.
In summary: the movie is flawed, sure. But it's still a lot of fun. If you are a fan of the show and the first film, I really don't see why you wouldn't enjoy fun fun follow-up!
Grade: B-
Labels: Sarah Jessica Parker, Sex and the City