Predictable. Routine. Boring. Not unique in any way. Poorly written. Those are just a few of the words to describe Obsessed. If you couldn't tell the outcome a mile away then I feel sorry for you. The script was terrible and the directing was not impressive in the least. The movie was only about two hours long but it felt nearly double that, especially in the middle when it really felt like time just stopped. There was one thing that it ALMOST had going for it... and that is Beyonce. Beyonce was sort of a bad ass in this movie. Well, first she was annoying as an uber-jealous wife. She was all, "you can't have a female assistant." And if I was her husband, I would have said, "Bitch, please, I'll do what I want." But about half way through the movie, Beyonce became a DIVA (a female version of a hustla). During a huge fight with her husband, Miss Queen B was all, "Take your toothbrush and your underwear and you can go straight to hell. Or at least the Four Seasons." And she was telling him to get out of HER house (even though she had no job and he clearly paid the bills) but I wanted to be one of those people who yelled out during movies and just say, "You go girl!!" I need to stop here and digress because this raving about Beyonce may be misconstrued by some into me saying she's a good actress. She's not. At all. But her campy, B-movie type performance was perfect for this movie because it was so damn bad. Anyway, back to Beyonce and her diva, bad ass self. At the end she had this huge knock down drag out cat fight with Ali Larter (who was trying to steal her hot man, and I guess who can blame her?!). Husband calls half way through the fight and Beyonce's like, "I'm gonna have to call you back." B needs to finish kicking some ass. They somehow go to the attic and the floorboards break - SPOILER ALERT (although you shouldn't waste your money) - and Ali Larter (whose character name I don't even remember because this movie was so awful) is hanging from the a hole in the floor, dangling over a glass table... and then I lose all respect for Beyonce. (Or her character, I guess, Sharon. Although Beyonce so does NOT look like a person named Sharon). Beyonce tries to help Ali Larter up!!!! What the hell!?!?! Ali is a crazy bitch in this movie. You know she's going to try to drag you down with her, B! Instead of helping her, you need to take your 4 inch stiletto heel and dig it into her hand and watch her plummet to her death! That's what a bad ass diva would have done! And so then I really hated the movie. Even more than ever. Then they had the tenacity to play a Beyonce song over the closing credits. I mean, really. It just couldn't get any worse.
Beyonce almost saved it but noooooooooo. Just ended up making it worse. Also, I apologize if this review is all over the place but that's what caffeine does to me.
Labels: Ali Larter, Beyonce